Comments posted on the WBC planning website objecting to the Bridge Farm CEMEX works application show a high level of opposition, but also in some cases a feeling of frustration about whether objecting will make any difference.

We must never fall into the trap of allowing ourselves to see this application as inevitable, our views will be ignored, so there’s no point in taking action.

In fact, numerous quarry applications across England have been refused permission by local authorities, following campaigns by concerned residents. Victories for campaigners have been scored recently in:-

Hertfordshire :




High-profile campaigns against quarries in other environmentally unsuitable locations have been taking shape across the country, see:



South Oxfordshire:,


Their often attractively presented web sites remind us of the beauty and environmental value of their locality, under threat from unscrupulous developers and their allies. Even if they are more plainly presented, easily consulted online document resources are still very useful in informing residents of progress, e.g.:

The developers are often hoping to get their plans through thanks to public apathy resulting from poor communication with residents. We’ll be fighting to make sure that doesn’t happen here.

Article by Richard R